Pediatric Anxiety & Allergy Research Clinic
(330) 672-2200
Technology Assisted Treatment of Trichotillomania: Developing the Predictive Model
The Pediatric Anxiety and Allergy Research Clinic (PAARC) at Kent State University is working with colleagues at HabitAware, Inc. to refine a wearable device designed to increase the mobility of evidence-based treatment practices to adults who pull their hair. We are seeking to find 40 adults with chronic hair pulling (i.e., trichotillomania) to use an electronic application we are developing to help us better predict when hair pulling might occur. Potential participants must be 18 years of age or older and speak fluent English. If you are interested in hearing more about this study, please contact the PAARC at 330-672-2200 or email us at Not all those interested will be eligible.
*This advertisement has been approved by the Kent State University Institutional Review Board.